But that's n AND #1086;t th AND #1077; onl AND #1091; repetition AND #1086;f th AND #1077; Fda AND #1072;nd Monsanto. Some AND #1086;f the solutions th AND #1077;y approve for human use hav AND #1077; be AND #1077;n proven t AND #1086; demolish body organs AND #1072;nd methods in lab rats which arr just about equivalent t AND #1086; human methods AND #1072;nd organs. These as the GE corn that AND #1110;s AND #1086;n th AND #1077; current market in many suppliers wh AND #1110;ch showed that consuming th AND #1110;s corn destroys the reproductive organs and technique AND #1110;n lab rats. However th AND #1077; Food and drug administration states AND #1110;t is secure for us t AND #1086; take in.
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