The linear tape open is one of the most reliable and successful media format which HP, IBM, and Seagate develop back in mid 90s. The most stringent and rapidly growing corporate digital data, which has been creating a huge pressure and challenges for millions of business community personals around the world. The growth of data is so large and unstoppable and predict by various professionals and expertise that could create a big challenge in coming future. To meet with these challenges the linear tape open specially designed and planned for massive capacities, higher speeds, best solid performance, high class durability, and most advance protection to archive and important data. The HP LTO1 and LTO2 offers 100-200GB and 200-400GB respectively storage capacity with fast and secure 20-40MB/Sec and 40-80MB/Sec data transfer speed. Both generations already proved best with its all capabilities, applied in all sorts of storage conditions and setting around the world, and become most trustful and reliable media format to compete very intensive storage challenges.The next generation HP LTO 3 Tape has been consider for even more capacity, speed and protection.HP LTO 3 TapeHP LTO-3HP LTO3 tapeHP LTO3 tapesC7975A