In the pharmaceutical and medical industry, glass vials and blister packs offer so many benefits, especially in packaging and distribution. In addition to these efficacies, they are as well ideal for the medicines that include syrups, capsules, tablets and pellets. Let us see in detail about these two popular means of packaging.
Glass vials and their benefits
These small bottles are available in several types and kinds. A leading manufacturer reportedly produces three main types, such as amber glass, clear glass and colored glass that are further separated according to their sizes and types of the caps. One of the major benefits of these bottles lies in their ability to maintain the temperature. Especially, in this industry, manufacturers and users alike should keep the medicines under certain condition environment. No other medium is as effective as these bottles.
Another merit lies in the capacity of these bottles to resist dust particles and other impurities. Other materials like plastic containers are not as efficient as the medicines need them to be. The plastics are as well prone to chemical reaction with the medicines and other such substances, but this is hardly possible in the glass bottles.Glass Vialsblister packsglass jarspharmacy bottlesplastic jarsglass and plastic bottles