CAS-001, CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner exam can be taken by professionals only that are very serious in analyzing and learning the advanced level of security which will enable the individuals in highlighting the subject matter and give them accomplishment that will be given by the certification which is a valid prove of a professional that has effective qualities. For this exam, the applicants will be given one sixty five minutes in completing the exam questions which will be eighty in number, the applicants will be marked as either passed or failure there will be no measurement scale given. The applicants are suggested to have the experience of almost ten years of experience in the field of information technology; the five years of the professional experience should be on the basis of security.
CAS-001, CompTIA Advanced Security Practitioner certification exam is given to the candidates on developing their fundamentals and professional experience with the technology of security and to make their ways for the advanced level.CAS-001 study guidesCAS-001 sample questionsCAS-001 EXAM