Applicants for this 70-689 Preparation Material are IT experts already qualified on Win 7 and who construct or support Win 8 computers along with devices, users and linked network and security sources. The networks with that these experts usually work are configured as peer-to-peer or domain-based environment with connection to the internet as well as cloud services. The 70-689 IT Expert could be a associate, IT generalist or an full-time desktop support technician who administers Win 8 based devices and computers as part of their wide technical liabilities.
Skills Measured Of The Candidate During This Exam:
The 70-689 Examination gauges the capability of candidates to achieve the technical tasks for 70-689 PDF Kits Microsoft Upgrading Your Skills to MCSA Windows 8. The percentages designate the comparative weight of each key topic part on the examination. The superior the proportion, the extra queries are likely to see on that content part on the examination.
Install and upgrade to win 8.1 (25 to 30 percent)
Transfer and construct user data: Construct profiles, containing profile version, roaming, local and mandatory; construct folder location and transfer user profiles.
Install win 8.70-689 Preparation Material70-689 PDF70-689 Questions