Fuji Film is a permanent member of LTO consortium and one of the most prominent manufacturer of magnetic tape devices, from photo film, X-ray film to many developed backup and storage media formats. Fuji Film is serving magnetic tape industry for more than 60~70 years in Japan and all over the planet. Since the introduction of LTO Ultrium based technologies Fuji Film helps this reliable and efficient technology with its expertise and innovation of magnetic tape techniques. Since the digital corporate data is rapidly growing and thus turn into the biggest and toughest challenges for data managers around the world, in the illumination of lessening IT resources and storage settings uneasiness. The magnetic tape played a very important role to meet this huge challenge and the demand of magnetic formats are still very high and alive because of excellent advancements in magnetic tape formats through purely successful performance, cost effectiveness and prove to be better environmental friendly media formats.Fuji 26247007 LTO-4 tapeFuji LTO 4 tapesFuji LTO4Fuji